The Prophecy – Relationships

I bet I’m the only one in my family to remember this. I got engaged last year and I think about this at least twice a week. At first, I used to take a sort of amused pride in it, but now I have an abstract fear that something someone I’ve never met said will hold true. I hope being smart and getting married aren’t mutually exclusive.

Airplane Etiquette – The Worst Person Ever

Airplane etiquette is critical. Have you ever been about to fall asleep on a plane when someone does this? It’s obnoxious. Being jarred violently is bad enough, but sometimes they catch your hair too. It’s got to be due to a lack of awareness, but come on. On a plane, you’re locked in a cramped assigned seat in a giant metal tube in the air. There’s no reasonable way to vent your frustration other than to give a dirty look. Be a good guy and push yourself up off your armrests.